Welcome to
Every weekend during this month
will be dedicated to bringing you ideas on
making your very own:
Gluten-free and Vegan Halloween Candy.
Are you getting into the Halloween spirit yet,
Or shall I shove it down your throat for the remainder days of the month?
Either way, me thinks you wouldn’t mind if these delicious goodies
were shoved into your mouths:
*Homemade Twix Bars*
(((I know I wouldn’t mind))).
Oh wait, now that I think about it, I did end up eating my fair share.
Makes: However many Twix bars you can take
For the cookie:
1/2 c. sorghum flour
1/4 c. rice flour (or if you don’t have the flour you can grind up rice)
1/4 c. potato starch
1/4 c. tapioca starch
1 tsp xanthan gum
1/3 c. sugar
pinch of salt
1 stick Earth Balance, cold, cubed
Combine the flours, xanthan gum, sugar and salt together with a whisk until completely mixed.
Add butter into flour mix and with a pastry cutter/fork/hand mixer (whichever you have), cut the butter into dough until combined. Make sure the butter stays cold so you have to work fast!
Knead dough briefly until smooth, divide in half and chill in fridge for 20 minutes.
Preheat oven at 400 degrees.
Roll out dough between 2 pieces of parchment or wax paper until 1/2″ thick. Cut into rectangle shapes (I used a candy mold so I have to make sure the cookies would fit inside–so I needed the cookies at 3″x1″) Gently using a metal spatula, place cookie dough rectangles onto a parchment lined baking sheet and freeze for 15 minutes (to ensure that they will not spread in the oven).
Bake cookies for 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the baking sheet.
Freeze the cookies while you are making the caramel.
For the caramel:
Taken from this recipe
1/2 cup Earth Balance
1 cup sugar
1 cup coconut milk (full-fat, canned)
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla
Line an 8 inch x 8 inch pan with parchment or cover a baking sheet with parchment
In a large saucepan (must be large enough where your candy thermometer will not touch the bottom when you attach it to the pot), put the coconut milk, sugar, butter and corn syrup in a large saucepan.
Over medium-high heat, bring to a boil stirring continually. Keep stirring. You want the candy to reach 250 degrees (this is the temperature that my thermometer says is semi-hard caramel. Yours might be different though).
Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. -
Pour into a parchment paper lined pan (8×8 works great). Allow to sit out for a few minutes before placing into freezer for 10 minutes to set.
Cut into rectangles with food scissors or a knife. Depending on what size you make your caramels into, these can make anywhere from 40-50 caramels. Wrap extras in parchment paper.
For the chocolate:
- Simply melt Enjoy Life chocolate chips in a bowl in the microwave. Go at 30 second increments (1 min 30 sec should be plenty of time), stirring at each stop.
- Do this step last, when you are ready to put everything together.
Putting it all together:
**I bought these super fun candy molds which were so helpful. No worries if you don’t buy one though. You can still do this recipe without it–it just might be a little more difficult.
- Place a strip of semi-hardened caramel on top of a shortbread cookie (should be same length–if not, simply cut whichever that needs it).
- If you are using the mold, drizzle some chocolate to cover the top of the mold. Place the cookie and caramel (caramel side down) and pour chocolate into slot in order to cover completely.
- If you are doing it by hand, place the cookie and caramel into the chocolate bowl and using a spoon, drizzle chocolate until completely coated. Be gentle though–the cookies will be fragile. Set on a a piece of parchment or wax papaer to allow excess chocolate to drip off.
- Place molds or place of candy into freezer to set.
- Finally, after 20 minutes of setting, you get to enjoy your HARD WORK!!
Wow, those took forever didn’t they???
But they are worth it.
Especially if you are having a Halloween candy sweet tooth
and are in desperate need for a Twix Bar.
Make these candy bars for your Trick-or-Treaters,
that is, if the kiddos get there quick enough…
Happy Hauntings!
I tried these and they were amazing! I will admit, this is my first time successfully making caramel EVER! Even before I was dairy-free I never got it quite right. I looked up some altitude adjustments and that helped a lot. I’m at almost 7,000 feet and the temp adjustment is almost 15 degrees F. I think more people need to know about this because it seems to be the source of scrapped batches of caramel. Also patience! It does take forever for the temp to rise, I think I stared at my thermometer for like 10 minutes, wondering why it hadn’t gotten over 100 yet. And then suddenly it got hot really quick.
I fed these to several of my friends (who are not gf, vegan) and some said they liked it better than regular twix!
I used a petit loaf mold and it was WAY too big! The chocolate to cookie/caramel ratio was just way too high. I think next time I may press my cookie dough into an 8×8 pan lined with wax paper and then cut the rectangles to help with uniformity. Then cut caramels and just dunk the cookies in the chocolate and maybe rest them to dry in my loaf pan (I also liked them better with no freezer step at the end, though the freezer did help expedite the prep).
Also my caramels have seemed to get progressively harder over the week since I made them, is that pretty standard? Admittedly I am using a cheap tupperware container to house them which might not be airtight and I didn’t cut them up and wrap them individually either.
I am so excited to share a vegan caramel recipe with some of my food-allergy friends! They will be so thrilled! I can’t wait to make another batch! Thanks again!
Hey Cara, do you have any experience making your own chocolate with cocoa butter and cocoa powder? I decided to go this route (who knows why) because I can’t buy dairy-free choco chips in my town (200 mile round trip seems a little much for chocolate chips). So I mail-ordered some cocoa butter and cocoa powder to use for this recipe. It might take some extra research on my part…
Would brown rice flour or quinoa flour be a good substitution if I don’t have the rice flour?
The purpose of the rice flour (you can grind your own with rice) is to provide a nice little crunch. Regardless, you can definitely sub brown rice (I’d do that over quinoa) but both would work. Good luck! xo
“**I bought these super fun candy molds which were so helpful. No worries if you don’t buy one though. You can still do this recipe without it–it just might be a little more difficult.” The link doesn’t work! where can i find these so i can see what they look like?
Karina, you can check out Amazon.com and the choices over there are abundant. Bummer the link doesn’t work anymore 🙁
Thanks! This time was much better!
Thank you caramel gods!!! Glad to hear, Alex. xo!
my caramel is not really setting up. I have taken it out of the freezer after 40 minutes of still being soft and heated it back up and added some corn starch to harden it up. did anyone else have a hard time getting their caramel to harden? any tips?
If it’s not hardening, then you probably didn’t get it hot enough. Not what you want to hear, I know. Making caramel is difficult initially, trying to figure out what it should look like 🙁 But hey! Consider this a learning curve, no? ha. Sometimes the candy thermometer can be off. Here is a good reference for making sure your thermometer is set for the right temp: http://www.ehow.com/how_6210104_calibrate-candy-thermometer.html. Also, check this out: http://candy.about.com/od/candybasics/a/candytemp.htm, it is great to give you an idea for candy stages and temperatures. Hope that helps!!
Saw these on Pinterest. Repinned them earlier today and have been repinned by tons of people. You’ve got a hit on your hands…they look great!
I just made homemade Butterfingers (vegan, GF options)…next up, Twix bars!
We are spreading the gospel of candy bars quickly, Averie! You are doing the Lord’s work, indeed 🙂 I’m so glad to hear of this–keeping my fingers crossed for you! xo
Great job! I would love to try this soon!
You should! And should also invite me over if you do so I can eat someone else’s hard work 🙂
Howdy, I’ve been drooling over and printing out your recipes ALL DAY (it’s 9.47pm here in Canberra). You are one talented woman. 🙂
One question, how much does a ‘stick’ of Earth Balance margarine weigh? Is it 8oz/225g? We don’t get it in Australia but I can use a different vegan margarine.
Oh, and thank you for all these wonderful treats. We don’t really DO halloween in Australia but I’m going to bake up a storm for Christmas. I have three small children and vegan store bought treats are few and faaar between. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ha! Hi Nina!!! Thank you so much for checking out the site–I couldn’t be more pleased to hear that you like it 🙂 I just checked the fridge and 1 stick of Earth Balance = 1/2 c = 8 Tbs (which also equals =) 4 oz/113g. Phew! That was a lot of info, huh? Hope this helps and please let me know if you need anything else/need me to convert. I’m more than happy to do so! xoxo, Cara
Thanks so much Cara, that’s briliant. I appreciate you checking for me. I’ve become rather nifty with conversions. It’s only tricky when I don’t know what the ‘standard’ is.
Great to have found you on facebook too. Love food porn! 😉
You can definitely teach me a thing or two about conversions! That is something I need to understand, really. The problem with Americans is that we are convinced that the world revolves around cups, lbs, etc… so it is shocking when we realize our metric system is the odd man out 🙂 You are so welcome, Nina! xo
Just when I thought your blog couldn’t get more delicious, I see this post! Twix were my ultimate FAVORITE!! I need one of these right away. I better get to making this recipe soon. I am now drooling!
hehe. I had a feeling this candy series would cause drooling problems…
OMG come to my house and make these, seriously!!!! I would make em but im doing stuff: 10 week old baby, breastfeeding, attempting my own blog, car breaking down, trying to lose baby flub : D these look amazing!!!!! maybe i should train my husband to make them : ) I wil try em soon as i get some time, big loves from yorkshire, UK mwah!
Hmmmm, that might be a long flight out to the UK but. well, okay! I’m coming 🙂 I’m a sucker for Europe so you found my soft spot! (And I found yours)…hehe
Wow, these look incredible. I have got to start baking/cooking so I can make them. Delightful post. I am so happy to discover your blog. 🙂
Yes! Go into the kitchen now, Robin, and get cracking! 🙂 Thank you for the comment and I couldn’t be more pleased to hear that you like it here! That makes me so happy, truly… xo, Cara
and yet another reason to love vegan DIYers. these look so amazing!
Yay for DIYers! Gotta love homemade over store bought…well, that’s my motto anyway 🙂 Thanks Colleen!
You are amazing!
And you are too sweet to say so!
These look really good!!
And they taste even better 🙂 I think I ate all the cookies before I even got started on the candy…
WOW, amazing. I can’t wait to try this! I haven’t had a Twix in 14 years but I think I can still remember how awesome they were. There used to be a peanut butter kind, too… Getting ideas…
Susan, don’t be getting peanut butter-twix crazy on me now. But just in case you, I’m sending you my address so you can send me some!!! 🙂
Well, good grief. I think my blog might just become a reposting of everything you make. It’s all I want to eat, anyway.
HAHA! Oh please, you are just AS creative, Jenny! I’m still waiting for my lunch from you by the way…
I want to trick-or-treat at your house! I bet these are absolutely delicious! Pinned 🙂
Please do!!! No one comes over here on Halloween, trick-or-treating, and it’s depressing! But in order to get your twix, you HAVE to come dressed in a costume.
Ohmygosh!!!! Send some to Cambria!!! She would be so excited to eat her very own Twix bars!!!! (There is no way I will make them. What a mean mom I am!)
You ARE mean!!! Tell her I will ship her a box tomorrow 🙂 You unfit mother, you…
OMG are you kidding me? Homemade Twix bars? Swooooooooon~
I just caught ya! You have to stop fainting like that, Angela 🙂
When I read that Kathy’s purple monster was dedicated to you I knew I had to check your blog out! And am soooo glad I did!! Those twix bars look incredible! I do believe you’ve gained a new follower 😉 Off to check out all your other monstrously tasty creations.
Kathy is pretty awesome isn’t she? And that oatmeal monster is AMAZING isn’t it?? I loved that! I got such a kick out of it. I’m so glad that you found Fork and Beans 🙂 xoxo, Cara
Yes to all! So I just realized that I had been here before…it was the homemade cheeze-its. Well, now I’m a true believer and won’t forget 😉
It happens to the best of us 🙂 Shoot, I can’t remember half the things I say 10 minutes ago… hehe. Glad you came back!
These look amazing! I look forward to the rest of your posts. I am seriously so impressed!
Thank you so much for stopping by KT–make yourself comfortable! I am so happy you are liking what you find here 🙂
It makes me so sad that we get NO trick-or-treaters at my house. I wish I could make them homemade vegan treats… oh well, when I have a house of my own, I will 😀
We don’t get any here either–I feel your pain! Total rip off. I live on a hill and those lazy kids don’t want to climb it, I guess. If only they knew… Oh well, Megan, you will just have to be your own trick-or-treater 🙂
Hahahaha. Shove the spirit of Halloween down my throat, which is fine as long as you don’t shove any other kind of spirits down my throat. I’m allergic to those. ooooh I never had a real twix. These look great . So if you if you “tweet” this post. It would be Twix or tweets. Bahahahah.
HAHAHAH!!! There you go again, showing off your amazing sense of humor, GiGi 🙂 Twix or Tweets. That gave me a good giggle. And P.S. How have you never had a real Twix bar before????!!! My mind is blown here. P.P.S. When I wrote “Oh no you deh-ent” on your blog, It should have read “Oh you no you didn’t” but with attitude. I tried writing you back but have problems at times commenting on your blog with my computer…
Ahhh. Thank you, backatcha. Nope never had a twix bar 🙁 Thank you for making me laugh and smile too. Got it. Silly computer… I bet it would be easier for you to comment on my blog if you added yourself as a follower (shameless self promotion):) Keep up the awesome posts, Cara.
You are quite the saleslady! ha. I love it.
Amazing! Twix used to be one of my favourite sorts of chocolate bars in my pregan day. I have starred this recipe, hopefully one day I can make it!
I love the term “pregan”–that’s hilarious! I hope you get to scarf one of these down soon, Susan 🙂
So awesome, I want one now!
The more, the merrier! Come over too!!! 🙂
Wow, these look amazing! Nice job Cara! I’d love to bite into one RIGHT NOW! 🙂
Come on over, Nora! I will have your twix bar waiting for you 🙂
You did NOT just do this to me during Unprocessed October! GAH! These look awesome!
Unprocessed October, why did you come so soon??? ha.. Oopsie 🙁 Hey, you can always do Halloween in November right 🙂
November 1st, these are in mah belly. For realz.
Aaaaaaaaahh, only 23 days and (depending if you are west, east or central side), 3.5 hours (give or take) to go!!!
I seriously cant get over how awesome your recipes are!
Haha, aw Shannon–you are seriously THE sweetest! Thank you so much xoxo
Oh yum! It has been too long since I had a Twix. These look so much like them too. I want to make some raw candy bars tomorrow. Making bars take so much time though because of each layer. But agree, they’re definitely worth it.
Thanks for telling me about the Iron Chef thing! It’s pretty neat that they have that. I entered in the socca quesadillas 🙂
Oooooh, raw candy bars! I cannot wait to see your final product. And you’re welcome on the tip-off. I’m so happy you entered–those quesadillas are brilliant! xoxo
If I could just figure out how to make it corn-free for my little boy…It looks sooooo yummy!
Try substituting 1 cup of your trusty All-Purpose flour for the sorghum and starches and keep the brown rice flour the same. Instead of corn syrup, maybe try agave? I bought some caramels that were agave based before and they were delicious. And is he okay with the Enjoy Life chocolate chips brand? Hopefully that helps, Heather! If there is more, let’s put our heads together and make sure that little guy gets his Twix fill! 🙂
And guar gum instead of xanthan right?
I know I’m a little late on this but brown rice syrup works. I’ve made marshmallows with it.
Ooooooohhh! Great tip, Laurel. This sounds like a much better option to bake with–going to buy some now! xoxo
Wow! I doubt mine’ll come out looking as greg as yours but I’ll definitely be trying this recipe.
It all looks and tastes the same to our bellies, right??! ha. Let me know how it works out for you Jojo!
nyum nyum nyum. . ..
Hey, are you eating my twix???!