Man, it feels so good to be back in the kitchen with my candy thermometer! It’s been 2 years since I last picked it up and I cannot believe that I forgot how much I love doing this. It’s labor-intense and time-consuming but cathartic as well. There is no better feeling than getting an almost direct gluten-free and vegan replica of the candy I used to love. Maybe I was made to be a homemade vegan Rolos maker. It is my destiny I am sure.
There is something addictive about these chocolate-covered caramels. I wondered at first why they would call them Rolos at first but then I realized that after you are finished polishing off these little boogers, you will need to be rolled out. I’m serious. You never realize how many you are eating until your belly rolls over your jeans. Hence the name for these homemade vegan Rolos. I’m pretty sure that is a true story.
If you already made the caramels, this one will be easy. Just coat it with some chocolate and BAM! You gots yourself some Rolos. Basic. Simple. Melt-in-your-mouth gooey.
Homemade Vegan Rolos
- Cook Time: 30
- Total Time: 45
- Yield: 28 1x
- 1/2 batch of my vegan caramels, omit salt from recipe (see link below)
- 1 c. vegan chocolate chips, melted (I like EnjoyLife brand)
- 1 truffle chocolate mold (mine holds 14 pieces)
- Fill the mold with melted chocolate about 1/3 of the way.
- Roll pieces of the caramels (enough to fit perfectly into the mold) and place on top of the chocolate.
- Coat with the remainder of the melted chocolate.
- Freeze for 10 minutes.
- Gently pop the candies out of the mold and eat them up!
For my Vegan Salted Caramels Recipe, click here.
rolos were my fave. these look awesome.
I was just wishing for this today! You read my mind!
Oh goodness, this looks like the real deal here! The way I used to eat Rolos would be to bite off the edge and then suck all the caramel out and then finish it. These look so good and I totally wanna try that caramel recipe.
Rolos are one of the remaining items on my list to recreate, so I can’t wait to try these!
Squealingly delicious! I’m so happy you’re doing candy for MoFo because I will need all the Halloween help I can get! Thanks for the superamazing recipes!
Oh Rolos, how I used to love popping one in my mouth and sucking all the chocolate off, ahh, bliss.
These look amaze balls Cara!
Vegan rolos!!! These were definitely a favourite of mine when I was a kid. These would be a fab gift too..I’m envisaging making a tube of them and rolling it up in paper like they sell them 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing.
YUM!!! I have a semi-raw version of rolos that I make and love. I think I need to try these as well. You can never have too many rolos. 🙂
Oh my word, I’m so glad you’ve choses this theme for vegan MoFo. I’m planning to make every single sweet you have on here at some point!
HolysmacksIloveRolos!! Yummeh!
I used to LOOOOOVE Rolo’s! They were one of my favorite candies. I’m so excited to try my hand at your caramels. I bought a candy thermometer last year, but I still haven’t even taken it out of the package!
Lucky for me my kitchen, now that the floors have been installed, is over run with fire ants although I’m not sure even THAT will be able to keep me from the Siren call of these little beauties. Got a HAZMAT suit handy?
Waaay back in high school I used to *love* rolos! I haven’t thought about them in ages, but me thinks I need to give these a try (& soon!). They look gorgeous!