Honeycomb. Sponge candy. Whatever you call it, call it teeth-sinkable deliciousness! The chocolate-covered honeycomb was one of my favorite candies to get at the local candy store while growing up (along with every other candy. Literally. I’m not even kidding. Hey, I was a kid–who didn’t love candy?!) It’s been years since I have tasted Honeycomb and when I made a recent trip to the Wonka Factory* I was reminded of them and I knew I had to make it for MoFo…an actual homemade vegan “Honeycomb.”
*I didn’t really visit the Wonka Factory.
The best part of this recipe? It’s but a prelude to BUTTERFINGERS! Yes, I know that I already have a recipe for that, but believe me when I say that the upcoming recreation of Butterfingers is new and improved. Hold yo’ horsies folks. You gotta get through this Homemade Vegan Honeycomb recipe first. I hope that isn’t too difficult a thing to ask. I hope not because these are just as delicious.
And trust me when I say it’s simple to make. I know that most people cringe when they see the words candy thermometer and wake away from even trying. I’m destined to get everyone’s thermometer out and start making candy. So like I said, this really is easy to do. But don’t take my word for it. Test it out yourself.

Homemade Vegan Honeycomb
- Cook Time: 7
- Total Time: 30
- Yield: 20 1x
- 1/3 c. vegan butter
- 1/3 c. light corn syrup
- 2/3 c. vegan sugar (I like Zulka sugar)
- 3 Tb. water
- 2 1/2 tsp. baking soda (no clumps)
- In a 8×8 glass pan, line with parchment paper. Set aside.
- On medium heat, combine all of the ingredients together except for the baking soda in a deep saucepan (keep in mind that when you eventually mix it in, the baking soda will make the recipe explode like lava–this is why you want a deep pot). Be sure to stir continuously.
- Once the sugar dissolves, turn heat up to medium-high heat until the mixture begins to boil. Do not stir at this point. Allow to boil for 5-7 minutes. It will be tempting to walk away but don’t! After the 5 minute mark, the candy’s temp will spike and you will burn it if you do not keep an eye on it.
- Once the mixture becomes a golden caramel color, immediately whisk in the baking soda until completely mixed in. Watch the science experiment begin!
- Place into the parchment paper-lined pan and allow to cool down and set for 30 minutes. Do not touch! Those air pockets are imperative for the texture in this candy.
- Break with a knife once it sets and coat with melted chocolate if you desire.
Careful for the flies…
Is there a substitute for the vegan butter?
hi🙋 alot of ppl say that u can use Coconut oil in place of vegan “butter”.. idk if this is what u had in mind but i thought I’d give y’all my 2cents!
Looks amazing! Anyone know if I can substitute maple syrup for the corn syrup (allergic to corn) for the “sponge toffee”?
absolutely you can substitute with maple syrup. I’d use the lower quality, thicker maple syrup – it has a stronger flavor and is a bit less sweet. Add freshly grated ginger to the recipe if you want to be transported to yummyland. Sorghum and rice syrups are good substitutes as well. Using molasses is best of all. Both are less sweet tasting – which I actually prefer because you really get to taste the full flavor of the sponge candy – especially if you’re adding freshly grated ginger. Take it easy with the fresh ginger, it’s really strong. Add it to the batter after it is fully cooked and then pour it into a pan (lined in wax paper that has been greased with butter) to solidify.
Ginger? Sounds like I need to try this!!
And instead of vegan butter would coconut oil work?
Thank you,.
As an American living in nz, trust me, golden syrup is not as good as true kiwis say. It tastes like fake maple syrup (also common here) but with less flavour. And hokey pokey cannot possibly be the same… I never had honeycomb when I was little (moms a health freak. I’m nowhere near despite the fact I plan on becoming vegan) but it’s quite dry powdery and flaky, unless it’s in the nouget form then it’s just really hard (they put it in ice cream here… I feel like I’m breaking my teeth on it). So if this honeycomb is anything like true honeycomb from an actual beehive which I would beg dad to buy me as a kid, NOT anything like hokey pokey, and it would definitely taste weird with golden syrup.
OMG I know what I’m making everyone for the holidays!! These look too amazing NOT to make!
Wow, I am beyond impressed that you made these! They look wonderful!
I’ve only had honeycomb once and thought it was pretty tasty, but this looks so damn interesting! My mouth is watering a bit, but I may just have to save this recipe for a special occasion. (Especially with all of the mac and cheese going on over here. Oy.) 🙂
You are a sweet genius!! Used to enjoy butterfingers during my teens but I bet the honeycombs taste even better. Keep the sweet treats coming!!!
Ohhhh yum. I didn’t think this was even possible! Mmm, honeycomb.
I love all your candy posts Cara!
Also my search brought up Whole Foods as a somewhere to buy.
It’s expensive as it’s imported from England. All of us from Commonwealth countries use golden syrup for hokey pokey. It’s a lot more caramel in colour and flavor than corn syrup so it is really good!
Genius!! Love it 🙂
I am unfamiliar with honeycomb, but, damn, girl, I am so making this, like, NOW! 😉
You crazy talented awesome woman! in am awe.. love those bees!
I had these as a mature person pre-veganhood never as a child since I was deprived.
They were one of my favorite candies if not my fave candy and I am not a big candy person but I am into weird textures in my mouth.
Was that response published?
You are rockin this candy theme girl! Getting me excited for next month!
What until you see what I *really* have planned for next month. Just saying…
I’ve never had honeycomb candybefore, but now I want to eat it by the handful!
Just as you should… 🙂
Ok, looks like it’s the New Zealand/Aussie version of Hokey Pokey which is made with a far more healthy syrup called “Golden Syrup”. We put that on our pancakes too. You can buy this syrup at the World Market. Try it, you’ll like it better and it’s not made of icky corn products!
This is SO helpful, Karen! I just looked up Golden Syrup and it sounds super good. I am going to have to buy it at World Market now and use it for the rest of my recipes for candy 🙂 Thank you!
You are welcome. I posted a link and more info down further.
Here’s our hokey pokey recipe: http://www.chelsea.co.nz/baking-and-recipes/210/hokey-pokey.aspx
O.M.G.!!!! SPONGE CANDY?!?! When I found out it had gelatin in it after I became veg, I was so sad. Then when going vegan it had the triple whammy of gelatin, honey, and milk. You don’t know how you have made my day. I used to dream of that spongy candy. The way it would melt in your mouth. Yum! Ok, I must try this!
I had no idea it had all of those ingredients!! Disappointing. But then again, now we can make our own version 🙂
Is there such thing as a sub for corn syrup? Maybe brown rice syrup? I don’t want to buy a corn product.
I’d say maple syrup would probably have a better consistency and taste than brown rice syrup, but I’m sure both would work fine!
Karen’s comment above suggested a product called Golden Syrup. She says you can get it at World Market–check it out, Elizabeth! I am going to 🙂
i never had honeycomb candy growing up! butterfingers on the other hand…i ate by the multiples 😉
You and I would have been such great friends as little girls…
It’s like making brittle isn’t it? My honeybee would LOVE these. Oh, and adorable bzzzzs. xo
It really is but just not as dense. Tell your honeybee hi for me 🙂
You are the bomb! The end.
You watch your mouth!
That’s a lot of sugar! But every once in a while we can indulge in that I guess… 😉
I don’t think honeycomb is something we can get around here (Belgium), but I’d love to try it, it sure looks good.
A girl must indulge every once in a while, right?! xo