What happens when you combine super hot weather with a place that is null and void of air conditioning? You get one sweaty beast, that’s what. And by beast, I mean me. I’m melting, friends. I need something to cool me down and I think raw whipped cream is in order stat!
RELATED: Vegan Caramel Sauce
It’s the kind of hot where, while sitting on a chair, you are nervously afraid to stand up in fear of seeing the sweat stains you leave behind. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. When you can feel those sweat beads drip down your kneepits and you wonder how in the world does your stomach collect so much water. Ugh, this heat makes me crabby.
RELATED: Raw Chocolate Sauce
RELATED: Raw Nut Milks
Thank goodness for eating your way out of a bad mood though. And believe me, this macadamia nut raw whipped cream is just the thing to cool you down and perk you right back up. Chop up some fruit, drizzle it with coconut, and chopped almonds and dip your heart away with this dairy free RAW whipped cream. You will forget that your armpits are wet like a swamp.
Raw Whipped Cream
- Prep Time: 35 mins
- Total Time: 35 mins
- Yield: 1/2 c. 1x
- 3/4 c. macadamia nuts, soaked in water for 30 minutes, drained
- 1/4–1/2 c. filtered water
- 2 Tbsp. agave nectar or maple syrup
- splash of vanilla extract
- Place all the ingredients (start with 1/4 c. water and add more if needed) into a blender and mix for a good 5 minutes until whipped and smooth.
- Serve with fresh fruit.
Going to try this today to top my raw GF lime pie in honor of “Pi” day ๐
Will this last in the fridge?
Yes!! I can only say it will last up to 3-5 days (not sure if I ever allowed it to sit in my fridge longer than that because I usually devour it upon making…) ๐
Yum. Ok – the worst is the sweat that runs down between your breasts and tickles, but you can’t wipe it away because, well, then you’d either be sticking your hand down your shirt or creating a big wet streak on your shirt right between your boobs. Hate that. ๐
Ohmygosh, this made me laugh so hard Deanna!!!! You are too funny…wishing you a boob sweat-free day ๐
Oh this is gooooodddd….. and so pretty with your photos!
Thanks for ‘bringing’ it to the Potluck ;D
I was so happy that I had it on hand to bring! xo
I HAVE to try this, it looks so so SO amazing Cara….and I bet those swampy armpits smell pretty fabulous ๐
Can I just say how OBSESSED I am with this recipe??? So yes, yes you HAVE to try it soon!! xo
Haha – anything to help me forget how damp my underarms are!! I’ve seen a lot of vegan whipped cream made from coconut, but never from macadamia nuts… it looks perfect! So light and smooth. Will definitely have to give this a try. ๐
Yeah, I am not a big fan of the coconut whip cream so this is perfect for me ๐
This looks so deliciously light and refreshing! I didn’t think there was anything that could make summer berries better, but clearly I’ve been proven wrong!
I think ice cream could also improve summer berries, right? And chocolate. And more macadamia whip cream ๐
Those are all excellent points. This is going to take some ice cream/whipped cream/chocolate trial and error to really know for sure.
Okay, I will have to experiment, take extensive data, and come up with a hypothesis. I will let you know ๐
Look at you, you little raw foodie! I’ve got a bag of cashew whip in my fridge, and I’ve been putting it on E V E R Y T H I N G. Also, your package is packaged up. But now I have to motivate myself to walk a mile in the heat to the post office. OYYYY! Eff the heat.
I’m learning from the best ๐
Cara, you are just so amazing! Your supply of creativity is endless!
I’m thinking this would be great on the waffles you made this week (when it cools down). ๐
Waafffffffllllleeeeesssss ๐
My mind has kicked into overdrive thinking about what I could put this on, or with. Which is silly, because I know deep down I would probably just eat it straight up, off a spoon ๐ Gorgeous!
I say gather up all of the foods that it could pair well with and just take a spoon and dig in ๐
Ew I KNOW – I’m such a sweaty beast too (I actually have hyperhydrosia which means my palms/soles of my feet literally DRIP in hot weather…. I leave some wicked puddles ๐ ) Yip, it’s super embarrassing! Ha. At least I can laugh.
YUM macadamia JOY JOY…. this sounds amazing, Cara, love the richness of macadamias (except when you eat them whole, they kind of “squeak” against your teeth, or am I the only one that thinks this!?)
I have hyperhydrosia in my armpits so we are twins ๐ haha
its still in low 70s here :D.. well it will get hot soon and i will start cribbing. till then i am eating a load of ice creams and maybe will make this whipped cream to top my latte smoothies!
Latte smoothies??? Um YES PLEASE!! I will get on the next plane up there to enjoy the cool 70s and bring the macadamia whip cream…
Gorgeous! I’m so trying this soon. YUM! Sorry you don’t have air conditioning. I think I would die with these non-stop triple digits. You are super woman.
Let me know what you think when you try it, love! xo
oh man, i was so jealous when i started reading this and then i remembered that i ate it! bahahaha another delish dessert for this biatch to stick her fingers in. thanks ๐
You better not be sticking your freaking fingers in this behind my back!! I will cut you…
I never use macadamia nuts because they are so pricy but daaaaamn I want to make this so bad! Next time I have a need to make a special dessert, you can bet I am making this!
Don’t melt Cara! I’d miss you too much ๐
I think a bag of macadamia nuts will make enough whip cream for the rest of the summer. Sounds like it’s worth the price to me ๐
Sticking myself in the freezer so I don’t melt!
This looks like a great alternative to coconut milk, I’m guessing it has a much better nutritional profile!
I’m not a big fan of the coconut milk method so I needed something different ๐ Plus, it tastes so creamy with the macadamia nuts. So good…
Ooh, I just came across a recipe for fresh fig ice cream. I knew you’d been showcasing your ability to buy fresh figs for a reason.
WHAT??? Where is it? I need it Laurel! I NEED IT!!!
Another reason we (read: you) need an ice cream maker!
HAHA!! Thank you for the subtle translation ๐ We DO need an ice cream maker!
Dude, swampy armpits and knee pits are definitely made better by that delicious shiz! Tell me, when you blend it for 5 minutes, does the whip warm up and then have to be refrigerated? My blender would turn a smoothie into hot soup if I blended anything for that long.
Mine wasn’t too bad in terms of warm but you can definitely cool it off in the fridge. In fact, you could join the whip cream in there as well…that might help with the swamp pits ๐
Great idea. I used to work in a bakery that had a huge freezer. Worshipped it in the summer time….
Is the freezer available??? Me thinks I need to sleep in it…
It’s now a Subway restaurant, but maybe if you bring them some gluten free bread for the masses, they will let us have a sleepover in there!
oh my gosh Cara, that sounds just divine!! I could probably eat a whole bowl! haha hope you have a great weekend!
I wouldn’t tell anyone if you did ๐ Hope you have a beautiful weekend also, Caralyn!
So wait, you eat it, right? You don’t smear it under your arms or anything? Because I have a feeling I’m going to want to bathe in this…
I’m sorry, I cannot hear you. Do you know how difficult it is to read comments when you are in a tub full of raw whip cream??? Oops, I just swallowed some…mmmmm!
Holy cow, Mama this is awesome! Unfortunately it’s not warm enough here to warrant armpit slathering, but that just leaves more for my facial…
Yay! I’m so happy that you like it!! Woo hoo ๐
It’s been in the 90s and close to 100 basically for three weeks here in Michigan. It’s ridiculous. I’m also crabby. Maybe this whipped cream will help…feed your feelings!
Yes but do you have air conditioning? Because if so, you are already 10 times better off than your Fork friend over here. Let’s be crabby together and feed each other fruit dipped in raw whip cream ๐
I have a window unit that helps, but it was still 85 in my living room for a good week. Better than nothing though!
Note to self: get a window unit ๐
I just laughed out loud not because the concept was funny but because I’ve been advising the use of the very same nut. They are expensive but they are so full of useful fat. In fact, I have some soaking right now to see what kind of raw lemon curd they might make.
Anyhow, here’s how you deal with the heat (as I found my first record breaking summer in TX). A. Cold Shower B. Stand in front of fan, naked. C. Cold Shower. Repeat as necessary.
I also appreciated your delicacy in not mentioning the other place, a bit higher than your stomach that seems to accumulate all that sweat. Now go put a window A/C on lay-away or something
Lemon curd? Get the hell out, Laurel! Again, when are you moving here and becoming my boss??? Damn that time machine…
Got it in one. I always knew you were smart. <3
Hey, I’m rather privvy to boob sweat ๐
Your photos look amazing! I love that you chose macadamia nuts. They are so underused–except in those sickeningly sweet white chocolate cookies, which have never been my thing. Three cheers for the macadamia!
I couldn’t agree with you more, Britt! Hip hip…HOORAY ๐ xo
Oooh. That looks tasty.
It is so hot here, too. I honestly don’t remember a heat spell that has lasted this long or been this hot. And it just keeps getting hotter every day. Ugh. And dry, too. Ugh. But I have air conditioning. You poor baby!!!!! Have you tried sticking cold strawberries in your pits? That could help, except for the short-lived cooling effect, and the residual sticky mess. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Okay, so the cold strawberries are in my pits…now what do I do??? ๐ haha
Are they still there? If so, you gotta start looking into working with fermented foods, girl. Ha. ha. Ha.
Wait, I was supposed to take them out??? Eeeeeew, now I’m all sticky…AND sweaty.
Love the simplicity. Looks beautiful and tastey. Yummmmmmo!
You know what I love???
((giggles like schoolgirl)) teehee!!
ooooh. this looks delicious. i have had macadamia nuts only a couple of times(they are so expensive!), but i can imagine how amazing this whipped cream would taste. i make something very similar with cashews and dayv loves putting it on his ice cream!
ps- it’s really hot here, too ;(
Okay, time to exchange non-dairy whip cream recipes, friend! ๐
Beautiful! Bookmarked and pinned!
Thank you, JL!!! xo
This looks incredible. I love combining fruits and nuts in general, and the idea of a raw vegan cream with the macadamia nuts is brilliant. Certainly good for too-hot days!
Why, thank you LotusArtichoke! I guarantee that this recipe will *not* disappoint ๐ xo