Be careful with your words friends. Sometimes I say things that in hindsight I probably should have kept my mouth closed in the first place; making claims that I am unable to follow through on. Take for example 5 days ago at work, one of the girls in the office had been sick last week with this nasty cold and cough. She, out of concern for me, said that I should probably not be in her office lest I get sick as well. Here comes the kicker: I confidently sat back in my chair {like a total cocky piece of turd would}, and said the last words to live by:
“I haven’t been sick in at least a year and a half. I don’t think you have to worry about me getting sick.”
Pause here.
If there is anything to learn from life, it’s to never act as if you are above the law. You are rarely, if never an exception to the rule. And before you ever open your mouth and act as if you will never do __, chances are you will so don’t ever say never. Yes, I have a feeling you know where I am heading with this. I am sick as a dog. I haven’t had a cough like this in God knows how long. So I am in desperate need for some chicken pancakes for the soul…
So while I am hacking up both of my lungs, whip up a batch of your favorite pancakes and waffles mix for this fun, Easter-themed breakfast. To learn how I shape my pancakes, check out this post for some pointers, and this post for a good recipe. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to shove my lung back in…
I hope you are feeling much, much better now! These are quite possibly the cutest pancakes/waffles in the entire world!
Wow…Super impressed as always! Your creativity keeps outdoing yourself on every post.
Super proud of what you created in the short amount of time you’ve had to work with.
Wish I could see all these in person…so sad ๐
Hi Bud!! I keep your words close to heart: “Kick some ass while I’m gone.” I take that command very seriously <–the only thing you tell me that I take seriously. ha ๐ I love you. xo
It always happens like that doesn’t it? You say you haven’t been sick in a while, then your body decides that its time to get sick (you know, since you mentioned it already anyway). Not sure if its been mentioned already, but my cure all is oil of oregano…it tastes disgusting and burns sometimes, but its worked for me! Hope you feel better soon…so you can make those adorable chicken and waffles!
Oil of oregano, eh? Do tell. You have my interest peaked on this one…
Hahaha, sure! Its pretty potent stuff, especially when its organic. You can find it in most health food stores, and sometimes at the drug mart. You just need to place 3-5 drops under your tongue and let it dissolve. Or if you need it, have small sips of water. I usually take it once or twice a day. Hope it works for you!
I always love getting new ideas–thank you again. I will keep an eye out for it at the store and let you know. xo
Oh, so you ARE sick – poor you. Though, those are really cute photos so I’m more than willing for you to be ill… Thoroughly enjoyed our debate by the way.
It wasn’t just a dirty tactic of mine to get out of the debate–I really am sick, see? *cough cough* Oh and thanks for sacrificing my health for these pancakes. Noted and appreciated, you blue tit (Attention all Americans: A Blue Tit is a BIRD, you sickos).
That is so adorable! I’m sorry you are feeling sick though! ๐
Thank you for stopping by Micha! And for the get well wishes… The lungs are still hurting but I’m forcing myself to get better so I can make those cheese straws of yours!
Let me know how they come out!
I most definitely will!
Aww you poor thing! I’ve been recovering from a cough too. Drink lots of hot pepper and turmeric tea. It does such a good job of soothing the throat and healing!!
That pancake is adorable!!! ๐
I love everyone’s advice, especially because it is so diverse too! I just wish each and every one of you could come over and whip up your secret to health. I could be your sick guinea pig ๐ Loving the idea of a hot pepper and turmeric tea! I can only imagine it does wonders. Thank you for that tip. xo
Aww. Yes I can imagine now how it would have been with the chick if you coughed and coughed. And you are welcome ๐
There would be 2 sick chicks… ๐ ha. xo
I was wondering if you could make cute stuff like this while you are sick, what can you do when you are not. love your creativity with food. One big hug for you.Feel better girl.
I would love to say that in my sickened state of being that I still managed to make this, however, I have to admit that I made the dish this weekend. Otherwise I would have coughed all over the poor chick ๐ Thanks for the hug!! xo
Awe, hope you feel better soon Cara ๐ *curative hugs*
Your little chickie pancake is adorable!!!!
That hug is making me feel better already–thank you! Sorry for coughing on your shoulder though…
Bwahaha… Sorry to hear you’re sick, but yeah, you were doomed the moment those words fell out of your mouth. I love your pancake chicken in a waffle boat and hope you feel better soon!
I miss you!! I still read C&SC every day though, just so you know <–so sad!
These pancakes sound absolutely wonderful. And they look so darn delicious. You are certainly making me hungry right now lol
My work here is done then ๐
No it’s not… I need more recipes lol
LOL, what did we learn here? ๐
Feel better soon! ::piles peppermint around you so it clears out your nose::
I learned that I am cocky piece of turd who needs a dose of humility (check!) and some more peppermint, please!
Hahaha, don’t jinx yourself!
How about some cayenne pepper to go with the peppermint sprigs stuffed up your nose? Or maybe put the pepper in your soup ๐
Feel better! I just made Viper chicken soup (yeaaaaah from scratch, boiling bones and everything, hmmm not the most vegan friendly but ya know!) but I like the look of your “chicken” heaps better ๐
Don’t be shy–you can always pass a bowl of soup over to my house ๐ What a good mom you are!
If it’s any consolation, that’s the cutest breakfast ever! I’m sorry to hear that you’re sick, though. It’s so easy to get comfortable in our health and wellness and feel as if we’re impenetrable to sickness. I hope you’re taking care of yourself with some good eats and guilty-pleasure movies!
Guilty pleasure movies? I almost forgot! What is wrong with me??? Thank you for the reminder…
The cockiness gets you every time! I was feeling pretty pleased with myself, talking about how, “I never get sick!” What happens a week later? Death’s freakin’ door. Ugh. I’m finally over the complete and utter misery part, but now I have a totally sexy cough that lingers on and, although I can breathe again (huzzah!), I can’t smell, which means I can’t taste. Aaaagggh!
We need to stop our mouths from talking like that. It is the kiss of death. Or this cold is, I’m not sure which is worse. But that sexy cough you speak of, yeah–it is bringing up all sorts of fun colors from my lungs for me ๐ YUMMY. haha. Get better soon!
oh noooo.. Feel better soon! that is the cutest chicken in the basket.. you come up with the funnest things!
i was just starting to think that last year my allergy symptoms were mild compared to the years before.. so this year would be better.. blahh. the whole house has been going thru sneeze cough throat issues since the past 3 weeks.. including my pom., and the days he is feels congested, he comes over to tell me he is sick and he doesnt know what to do.. then i open his mouth and he can breathe again! dont know when he will learn to use his mouth when his tiny nose is blocked. he is better this week, but hubbs went down with some wheezing cough coz of his allergies.. he forgets to stay far away from grass.:( oh well.. lots of gingery, chai spice tea for all of us this week.and a lot of anulom vilom breathing.. mom swears by it! heres a vid on how to do it if u want to try..
Take care, hugs!
BAHAHA! Poor little Pom guy. What would he do without you??? I like how you just sent me a link for yoga. You are THE best! I am so doing it ๐
Oof, I am the same way! “I have an immune system of steel,” I tell those around me at work and in my outside-of-work life. And, yet, 2 weeks later, I am still recovering from the upper respiratory virus that would not go away. My 2 bosses were among the culprits of passing this along. I’m finally on the downswing, having gotten my tastebuds back (slightly) yesterday for the first time in 8 days. Feel better soon!
Aren’t we arrogant fools? I had to admit to my co-workers that I was an a-hole for saying that ๐ ha. This virus that is going around is horrible, isn’t it??? Glad to hear you are finally recovering!!
Are you ever not good for a perk up and a laugh (even when sick = impressive)? Too funny – and also not good…feel better!!
You are absolutely correct! It is never too bad of a time for a smile ๐ Thanks for the well wishes. They are working… xo
D’aaaaw! One of the best things for a cough is honey (since I’m pretty sure you’re not strictly strictly vegan-vegan) it really soothes your throat! I had a bad cough a couple of weeks ago also brought on by abject stupidity on my part. Me+moldy hay=Immadum@ss for not taking a Claratin ahead of time…I actually got to use an inhaler for the first time in my life… It was awesome.
When I went to my allergist awhile back, she gave me an inhaler since I wheeze a lot. It’s collecting dust but now I wanna try it if you say it’s awesome ๐ ha. I will be making myself a cup of green tea with honey now in about 5 minutes. Thanks for the suggestion! And I hope that moldy hay has been shown who’s the boss…
Look at me, I’m an inhaler pusher… ๐ The moldy hay is currently doing its job killing the grass on my lawn that I want to convert into a garden plot this year. But the man gets to move it come garden makin’ time!
oh my GAAH that is the cutest chicken I have ever seen. even sickness cannot bring down your creativity… I hope you are feeling fantastic soon!
I will never surrender! NEVER. ha. At least that is what I tell my cold…not sure if it is listening though. Thanks for the well wishes, friend! xo
Awwwwww! I’m so sorry ur sick ๐ feel better soon! I’ve made that same claim and had the same outcome recently, its such a pain to be sick!
I hope this adorable breakfast cheers you right up though, I am grinning from ear to ear because it’s so darn cute and clever! How do you come up with this stuff?!?! Loveeeeee!
I will answer that question when you answer it right back! You are most worthy of that compliment over myself… xo
Being sick is NOT fun, Cara MUST have fun, ergo Cara needs to get better NOW. It’s a simple equation and one I hope works forthwith. Poor baby. Cute chick in it’s little basket, so I guess the lungs aren’t integral to creativity.That’s a stroke of luck anyway ๐ xoxoxoxoxoxox
The food was made this weekend right *before* the lungs decided to malfunction. Boooo. And yes, this equation of yours makes perfect sense to me. Can we get some mathematicians to work on it please? I need fun NOW.
Feel better!!!!! I’ll send the girls over to cuddle. They love cuddle days!!
Yay! Oh boy, oh boy. I am already feeling better!!
PS – There’s get well present for you at *house* ๐
Where is it? Where is it???
Head over to my place (aka WTL) and see!!!
or here:
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I love watching Rose’s prance. Hilarious. And they listen to you so perfectly. The best dogs EVER.
Ugh – being sick sucks, I’m so sorry! Waffles/pancakes are a great way to cope, though. Love the little guy, too!
Hope you feel better!!
You know what? You are so right! I better go eat a waffle now. I am sure I will feel better in no time… *just left computer* xo!
Sending *Hugs* your way…..I cannot tell youhow many times I have said that to people – I am going on 2 years from my last cold/flu/tickle – though I normally walk in the opposite direction of the sick in the office while yelling at them to go home and stop infecting the rest of us (yelled with love of course) or spray them down with lysol when they’re not looking ๐
Feel Better Miss Cara!
hahaha. This just gave me the funniest visual of you spraying the office with disinfectant. You can come over and spray the air for me everywhere I go…
Aaaawww Cara, I hope your hacking cough abaits soon and you managed to find that lung of yours.
Love your little chick shaped pancake.
Take care, add some fresh ginger to your juicing.
x o x o
I think it flew under my bed somewhere. I must find it, dust it off, and get it back into order ๐ Can you come over and juice the ginger for me???
Would if I could! Feeling any better today?
Nope ๐ The cough is growing a second head! Very painful… Thanks for asking though, my friend!
oh cara, i’m so sorry to hear you are sick! i’m actually guilt of saying the same thing to people who are sick. “don’t worry, i never get sick.” ahh..the cockiness of the healthy…
feel better soon, lovey. xo.
I definitely have learned my lesson, that’s for sure ๐ Thanks for the well wishes! xo
You probably need a “poor baby!” to. So “Poor Baby.”
May I hear it again? There is something so soothing about it…
Oh my poor baby! This is so stinkin cute! What a great idea. However, what others are seeing as a basket, I saw as a cracked egg.
Now, break out the Mucinex DM, the Airborne, and here comes a hug from mommy. Hope you feel better soon!
Well, you would be the winner, mother! It IS a cracked egg–bravo ๐ Must be the genes…
Currently cracking the Mucinex and imagining a hug from the best hug giver on earth…YOU! xo Love you <3
Remember that tea you brought me from England? I think it was called Teso. That’s what what you need right now with a big dollup of lemon and honey – and another hug from mommy ๐
You forgot back tickles!!!
I am going to vomit!!!!
Noooooo, you are jealous not queasy.
So I suppose it’s inappropriate to interrupt the conversation above, but I feel I must say it again. “Poor, poor, Baby!!” Though it is a poor substitute for mother love. : )
Getting this much love is never inappropriate ๐ I will take the substitutional mother love, Kelly! xo
Whew. One more time, then. “Poor, poor, Baby…” and maybe one of those for the poor commenter who made retching sounds at the affection. Clearly, she is under the weather as well. : )
Pay her no attention. That is just the sickness of jealous.