Vegan Rocky Road Ice Cream. We’ll get to you soon enough but first, this story:
There is a story of a woman running away from tigers. She runs and runs, and the tigers are getting closer and closer. When she comes to the edge of a cliff, she sees some vines there, so she climbs down and holds on to the vines.
RELATED: Easiest Berry FroYo
Looking down, she sees that there are tigers below her as well. She then notices that a mouse is gnawing away at the vine to which she is clinging. She also sees a beautiful little bunch of strawberries close to her, growing out of a clump of grass. She looks up and she looks down. She looks at the mouse. Then she just takes the strawberry, puts it in her mouth and enjoys it thoroughly.
RELATED: Easy Ice Cream Sandwiches
Tigers above, tigers below. This is actually the predicament that we are always in. Each moment is just what it is. It might be the only moment of our life, it might be the only strawberry we’ll ever eat. We could get depressed about it, or we could finally appreciate it and delight in the preciousness of every single moment of our life.
-“The Wisdom of No Escape”
Make your own Vegan Rocky Road Ice Cream in the comfort of your own home in the most simple way! Here’s how you do it:
Vegan Rocky Road Ice Cream
- Prep Time: 35 mins
- Total Time: 35 mins
- Yield: 1/2 pint 1x
- 1/2 pint of non-dairy vanilla ice cream
- 1/4 c. cocoa powder
- 3 Tbsp. melted non-dairy chocolate, cooled
- 1/4 c. Dandies marshmallows, chopped
- 1/2 c. almonds, roughly chopped
- Combine ice cream, cocoa powder and melted chocolate in a food processor until smooth and blended.
- Fold in marshmallows and chopped almonds. Re-freeze for 30 minutes.
- Yes, that is it.
RELATED: Vegan Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Tigers ablove, tigers below… heck, I’m going to eat homemade vegan Rocky Road Ice Cream.
So true! We might as well enjoy this precious moment since it’s the only one we’re promised!
Awe, what a lovely, thought-provoking tale. It is so very true. I needed to be reminded of that as of late.
And if that sentiment does not help me feel better, I guarantee a scoop of this ice cream would! *hehe* 🙂
Sending you lots of hugs!
I always feel so enlightened when I come visit you; I would have probably eaten more than just one berry 🙂
Rocky Road Icecream brings back so many memories, this is my aunts favorite ice cream – she would always bring us for cones and we would get the rocky road…mmmm I could totally go for one of these today!
So perfect and true. I took Caroline and Aidan to meet my mama for her birthday yesterday. On the way home, Caroline said how good a person she seems and again I found myself angry at some unknown being for altering the course of my life and taking that woman’s children from her for 30 years. It’s hard not to wish away my life and imagine how different it could be growing up with hugs and kisses and “I love you”s every day. Alas, it would have been different and *that* life would not have been perfect either. I have this life and no other. I can not change the past only grab the present and make it count.
Here’s to making our todays count, Cara.
There will always be tigers, right? 😉 Your life is perfect just as it is and for some strange cosmic reason it was supposed to happen this way. You are so right. Wishing you tons of strawberries today. xo!
Brilliant post, Cara! I love, love, love this. The ice cream, and the sentiment. 🙂
Thanks Willow!! xo
That story is such a good reminder- thank you for keeping me in check. And for tempting me on a warm day with icy treats! 🙂
I will have to bring some in person when I see you next…
PS just so I understand the parable clearly, it is better to eat a strawberry or a red vine than a mouse? Right?
I think you are supposed to release tigers from their cages at the zoo, then challenge a mouse to a staring contest, then eat a strawberry, then have a good day?
Dandies come in handy! I wish I had some to go with my strawberries for dessert. I have such a fond memory of my Aunt Elaine and Uncle Joe taking my sister and me out for Chinese Food and then rocky road ice cream after. (my mom and drank dessert so we were amazed that dessert could have all these amazing flavors withour being 100 proof) Thanks for the beautiful pics.
Were these some of the memories you had to hash out during your years in the clink? 😉 You seriously crack me up…
yes, indeed. 🙂
holy delicousness dippity dip.. i need some of this rocky road right now!.. just got back from the beach.. the water is still cold, but hey the sun was out and hubbs was learning to skateboard.. yeah mid life shenanigans.. i am waiting for my mom in law to call me and tell me to go hide the thing:)
HAHA! It’s never too late to learn how to ride a skateboard. I remember trying to learn back when I was in my 20s but when I landed in the 1/2 splits position, ripping the knee in my jeans, I kinda knew I was hopeless at it. Hopefully husband is wearing a helmet 🙂 Feed him some ice cream to distract him…
YUMMO. Love me some rocky road. Silly tigers.
And I love me some YUMMO 🙂
What a beautiful story, thanks for sharing! I was sad at first, but then I smiled when she chose to enjoy a moment of simple pure happiness as her final moment 🙂
I love how it is the predicament of all of our lives. There is always something we can choose to be upset about OR we can find the good in the moment. xo!
I cannot explain why, but somehow that little story is EXACTLY what I needed to read at this exact moment, and I am sitting here at my computer with tears in my eyes. Thanks for the perfect lesson for today. XOXOX
Ohmygosh, you are going to make ME cry just hearing that this was exactly what you needed to hear. I love how the Universe does that. May you find your strawberry today Lizzie 🙂 xo
That’s WAY too deep for me, Cara :D. Haha, no I get it really. This ice cream looks like it’s waiting for me to devour it…
P.S. My blog has a facebook page now! Our blogs can be friends.
We are so social media friends now, it’s sickening.
Ha! I’m hoping this means that I have a thing or 2 to teach you and that you really don’t know everything as your presume 🙂 Now hurry up, your ice cream is melting!
I think I need a care package. Will you send me a brace of tigers please?
How about I opt for some strawberries for you to enjoy instead??? xo Hi friend–always have you on my mind. xo
That seems the safer option…
Or Laurel, I will ship Nick to you so the 2 of you can battle it out with your fancy vocabularies…
Unfortunately, I’ve been living like this a lot lately. And the strawberry is filled with cream cheese and dipped in chocolate with cookie sprinkled on it and it’s about the size of Rhode Island.
I want your life… 🙂
But not my waistline, honey…
Uh, you said that you are eating strawberries dipped in cream cheese and chocolate and cookies. Sounds like a beautiful waistline to me!
“Rubenesque” is the word I believe…
An apt analogy and a gorgeous dessert! Happy Monday Cara, hope you had a great weekend! 🙂
Happy Monday, Shira! Hope you are well, my friend. xoxo
How polite of you both :D.
I love how you are butting into all of my conversations. haha. I am so returning the favor now…
I love that story. and its so true — we all have our “tiger moments” whether it be job, friend, school, or health related. and sometimes the best way to deal is to just live in the moment and let come what may. Such a great reminder to start off the week. thank you. and your RR ice cream looks magnificent!! YUMMMMM!
It’s funny because I catch myself saying, “Well if this was different then it would be better” but this story always brings it back to me that there will always be something. And at times, it will be over-consuming yet even there, I still have the choice to enjoy the moment. Absolutely brilliant and easier said than done, right?
Great parable and reminder, as always.
And oddly enough, marshmallows are a “food” that I have never, ever understood. They’ve always seemed unnecessary to me, and even though they make vegan versions, I’ve never had an interest.
However, your pictures are so beautiful that I might just pick them out of that cone and eat around them. After all, there will always be Tigers and nothing’s perfect, right? 😉
P.S. Sorry. I realized I capitalized “Tigers,” simply because I’m a huge baseball nut and live in Michigan. Disregard that part 😉
How about I just make you an Abby Special that has no marshmallows in them already? See! The care is oozing from my pores…
I think I can live with the fact that you are a Tigers fan. I mean, after all, most have to overlook my Angels love, so really, we are even…
what a lovely tale. i love hearing those types of fables that make me re-evaluate life and how i handle situations. i could particularly use a little perspective right now, actually…..
rocky road was always MY favorite. it’s got everything a lady could ever want- chocolate, marshmallows, and nuts. i love how your icecream is speckled, too! looks amazing 😉
The speckle was a mistake but hey, I decided to embrace it and just go with it. That was me, attempting to enjoy my strawberry 🙂 Here’s to plenty of perspective today…
this I have to try with my newly found vegan marshmallows – at last ice cream that isn’t just a basic flavour!
Absolutely not! The possibilities are endless from here… Did you find Dandies?