I’m still feeling a bit wary these days about baking. I did have a moment in the kitchen where I attempted at a fruit cobbler with a completely new whole grain gluten-free flour mix but I couldn’t even bring myself to eating it. Not that it was terrible tasting, in fact it was pretty good, however I am just not all that excited about eating baked goods at the moment. I wake up wanting a smoothie or fresh fruit and I find myself actually craving a salad mid-day. I have no idea who I have become but ever since the Conscious Cleanse, I feel as if my tastebuds have been recalibrated. So trying to figure out how to change around the recipes I already had planned in order to fit into my new way of eating for the moment is posing to be a bit of a challenge. But if you know me, I love a good challenge and find pure bliss figuring this sort of stuff out. When I saw Not Without Salt’s amazing watermelon cake for her little one, I fell in love. It was perfect. Fresh fruit, no baking required. I thought for sure my own version would work perfectly with a 4th of July spin.
It’s so simple it really doesn’t even warrant a recipe on hand. All you need is:

4th of July Watermelon “Cake”
- 2 slices watermelon rings, rind removed + more watermelon for star cut-outs
- 1 c. blueberries
- 1 white nectarine
- 2 c. coconut whipped cream (or other non-dairy whipped cream)
- Star-shaped cookie cutters (I used 2 different sizes)
- Skewer sticks
For the Skewers
- Cut fruit into star shapes. Make sure that they are around 1/2″ thickness because they will fall off when trying to place on the skewer.
- Layer as you wish.
For the Cake
- Layer 1 c. of whipped cream on top of 1 watermelon ring.
- Coat with blueberries.
- Place the other ring on top and coat with the remainder of the whipped cream.
- Top with skewers.

Hi Cara. When I saw the recipe on facebook last week, I just couldn’t resist trying it out. It just looked so simple and fun, not to mention it didn’t require the use of an oven — a huge bonus in this summer heat. I didn’t make it for the 4th of July, however, but for a friend’s birthday party and it was a hit and a major surprise. I shared a pic on your FB page. Thanks for the inspiration!
I saw it on FB and LOVED it!!!
Wow! A watermelon cake – sounds incredible! Such an inspiring idea 🙂
This is a beautiful cake and since I’ve been doing the Conscious Cleanse (thanks for the recco!!) the last week or so, I have had so much less of a taste for starches and refined sugars, but man does this fruit look like exactly what I’d like to have at a summer party. Beautiful!
Get out, really? I am so excited for you! How are you doing???
These belong in a magazine, Mama. So pretty!
No way, man! Stop saying words that make me blush…xo!
Hope your well, Your water melon cake looks lovely and it would also be cool to layer it with purple, yellow or green watermelon or other fruit as well throw in a jicama layer or something. Have a great day,your all cleansed up or out and make over as well your probably a new women…
This is awesome! I love 4th of July and I am going to make this for me and my girl. We usually sit outside and watch the fireworks right outside of our house. I’ll probably do some dances as the fireworks are going off and I will need my hydrations and nutrients. This will be perfect for my hydrations!
I’d love to see YOU make something for your girl. Methinks she will be the one making it for you because she is the one who cares about your hydrations!
Soooo cute! And it looks delicious. Did you find a problem with the watermelon juice and the coconut whipped cream at all? I’d be worried about watery-ness…but yours looks perfect. Thanks for sharing!
So here is my trick Kate: Any time I go to Trader Joe’s I always buy a can of coconut cream (I am hoarding them currently in my fridge: I have one of those soda holders that I place my cans of coconut in) ha. Once I get home I place it in the holder in the fridge and don’t touch it until I need. This way, by the time I do use it, it will have been in my fridge for at least a week. I find doing this helps to really keep the texture firm. This particular can that I used happen to be the best behaving can of coconut cream I could ask for because I was really afraid of what you said about it getting watery. It was perfect though. I just patted down the watermelon slices with a paper towel and it all worked out great, hooray! xo
I’m glad to know im not the only one to go off cake!!! And not the only one to crave salad!!! But you make your fruit look so pretty!!! Mine just looks like, well… fruit.
Haha, there is nothing wrong with fruit looking just like fruit 🙂 You made me smile with this comment Ana! xo
This is so cute! I would love to be overcome with fruit cravings instead of eying the box of peanutbutter sandwich cookies my husband has stashed in the pantry.
Trust, this is not a common craving for me. In fact, any other time I would be arm wrestling you for that last cookie 🙂 xo
I love this!!! Beautiful job Cara. Looks fabulous. I worked on red white and blue popsicles over the weekend. Those buggers were hard to photograph. Did you have any issue with the coconut cream moving around?
Lauren, those popsicles might have been a pain to make but my goodness are they gorgeous and I bet they were worth it! They look like they were to me 🙂 I didn’t have ANY issue with the coconut cream, isn’t that weird? I was totally expecting it however I make my whipped cream with coconut cream, not milk, and I keep it very cold in the fridge for several weeks before using it. I find doing this keeps it more solid when whipping, giving it that perfect texture. This particular can (as you know, it differs from can to can) happened to be the best texture ever. Can you believe that AFTER the photo shoot, I even placed it on a tray, got into my car, drove an hour south and it still was in perfect condition?? haha. Go figure 🙂 xo
Cara! This is the bomb 😀 The best cake ever. I like how the high glycemic index of the melon is balanced by the nutritious fats in the coconut cream – and no need for added refined sweetener.
Fantastic A✴
I love how you know all this. I will need you to be my nutritionist so I can give fun-filled facts like this from now on 🙂 xoxo!
So fun, healthy & festive!
Hip, hip!
So awesome, Cara! I wish I could only want to eat fruits & veggies for a while 🙂
Ohmygosh Kelli, I totally understand! I have been posting my meals on Instagram and it shocks the heck out of me. I still don’t recognize who I am at the moment 🙂 xo
Wow! I just checked out your instagram and I am impressed… LOVE the before & after! Really, no more potato chips? It may be worth it for me to do it just for that 🙂 Are you back on caffeine? xo
Several years ago I gave up caffeine for Lent. I found that my cravings for sugary things disappeared. I also found myself wanting healthy natural foods. Perhaps this is what’s happening to you. Isn’t it wonderful.
This is exactly what is happening to me, yes Carole! And you are so right–it really is wonderful. Our bodies are rather incredible 🙂 Thank you for the comment and happy 4th to you! xo
This is just so, so beautiful Cara.
I hope you’re feeling much better now.
Thank you tons Vicky! I am feeling fantastic these days 🙂
gorgeous!!!! I love watermelon cake 🙂
Thank you for the comment Jen! xo
Your “cake” is beautiful, Cara! Perfect for the 4th! I’m sure we’ll all feel much better after eating this cake than we would after a traditional one, and we’ll be hydrated, too. 😉
Have a wonderful 4th, dear! xo,
Yay for hydration! Is it possible to overdose on watermelon? ha. Happy 4th to YOU. xo