It’s the New Year and though I suck at making resolutions, I do try to create healthier, happier habits to incorporate into my daily life. Some of these new habits are seemingly small but they do a lot of good for my soul. For instance, I like to take 20 minutes out of every day if I can to light some incense and read an excerpt from a book. Whatever it is that you have planned for the new year, I can guarantee that if you are a mom, incorporating more vegetables in your families meals is top on the list. I know it is for me, which is why I’m always looking for fun ways to serve up your daily greens, like turning them into Vegetable Flower Bouquets.
All you need to create these edible vegetable flower bouquets are the following:
- Cucumbers
- carrots
- jicama
- radishes
- snap peas
- skewers
- my homemade ranch dressing (this happens to be dairy free too!)
Sometimes when you are desperate for introducing new foods into your picky eaters diet, I find cutting them into fun shapes can, at times, be helpful.
I also make it a point to exercise everyday. My goal is to move my body even if it’s for a 30 minute walk, it doesn’t matter. It gives me an outlet as well as helps with my breathing (which my doctor’s comment to me upon my initial consultation was, “You don’t like to breathe do you?” Ha!) I knew exactly what she meant as I oddly hold my breath subconsciously at times. It’s been a bad habit ever since I started taking pictures of food.

Vegetable Flower Bouquets
- Prep Time: 20 mins
- Total Time: 20 mins
- Yield: As many as you want!
Veggies of choice:
- Cucumbers
- Radishes
- Carrots (multi-colored)
- Snow peas
- Parsley
Other Needs:
- Vegan Ranch Dressing
- Bamboo skewers
- small and mini terracotta pots
- dried beans or rice for placing inside the pots
- mini shape cutters (look for fondant cutters–they are the perfect size for this project. You can find them at any craft store like Michael’s)
- Slice your veggies in thick sections (about a good 1/2″)–you need it thick enough for the skewer to go through without breaking the veggie.
- Cut the sliced veggies into desired shapes with your cutters. Have fun with this! If you are using mini cookie cutters for the middles, try using different veggies to fill it in for more color.
- Gently pull the skewer through but be careful not to make it go all the way through. Half way is best.
- Place in a pot full of dried beans to secure its spot.
- Garnish with parsley.
- Fill the mini pots with homemade nondairy ranch dressing and serve.
But one of my most favorite new habits are having flowers in the house. Just as importantly that I go to the Farmer’s Market every Sunday, I also make sure that along with the variety of vegetables I buy I also have a bouquet of flowers that come home with me. It makes me happy to look at and greet them every day (and yes, I’m that weird person who likes to talk to plants). If my neighbors weren’t so close, I would talk loudly and proudly to my urban farm. I usually just whisper to them, “Way to go guys, you’re getting so big!” or a simple, “Grow, grow, grow–you can do it!” I always heard that taking care of plants was cathartic and I am finally understanding it.
So in honor of new habits, new steps towards good health, happiness and proper breathing, these Vegetable Flower Bouquets are the perfect way to celebrate. Ditch the chocolate this Valentine’s and chop up some veggies and slather them in a homemade ranch dressing that is good for those bones! It’s the perfect way to say, “I care about you and your health, honey buns. I love you.”
These are seriously THE CUTEST. One of my mama friends was looking for a healthy Valentine treat alternative so I’m passing this along to her!
Super cute and so clever, Cara!
Oh Shirley, thank you so much sweet lady! xo
These are so cute!! And those all sound like very good habits. I should do 15 minutes a day of Bianca Time. Sometimes, I really don’t get that because I just don’t make time for it. Sigh.
I totally know what you mean! It’s hard to adhere to everyday but I notice a difference when I don’t so I try to let that motivate me…not always easy though. Now go get some Bianca time, xo
‘Hi’ back at ya, Sweetie!
Actually…turn the light on and I’d like to hear a little November Rain π
Love the way you play with your food, too. I just showed these to our Dietary Manager who may try to add them to a menu plan.
Good job! Can’t wait to see you – SOON!
MOM!!!!!! Yay, my “Hi” to you worked π I gotta do that more often… Cannot wait to see cute lady. Gonna squeeze you for days!
Are you people serious???? Get a room!!!! Haha. How come no shout-outs to yours truly??? I’m sure I yelled at you a lot to turn on a light. I’m going to pretend that I didn’t just witness this gushy lovefest and try to remind myself that I am STILL the favorite. (Though you’re not helping any, Mo-ther!)
You never did yell at me about turning on lights but you surely did yell at me for shoving my clothes into a drawer. And I hated for you to find out this way but I really AM mom’s favorite… BAHAHAHAHA!
Okay, you two, KNOCK IT OFF!
Ahhh, thanks, I needed that π
She started it!!
i never turn the light on either! dayv will come into the kitchen when i’m making dinner and he is like, “it’s so dark in here! turn on the light!” but i can see just fine. i think we must have really good eye sight. i also read in the dark. i also forget to breathe, too π
i love this vegetable bouquet idea with the ranch dressing. you are so cute and clever. did you ever think about being a grade school teacher? (i’m obviously not suggesting you become one, just that in another life you’d be the best teacher EVER.) you’d be the queen of fun and creative crafts.
I revel in my keen eye sight and so should you! Let’s celebrate 20/20 vision…in the dark π ha. And you forget to breathe too? Dude, how is it that we have never met yet I feel like we are twins!
I care about you, too and I absolutely love and adore you. When I was growing up my mom would get up half an hour to an hour before the rest of the household, drink coffee, have “me” time and breathe before the daily chaos broke out.
My mom too! “My Biggest Fan” walks up around 5 am and reads her Bible like the little cutie that she is. “Daily chaos” ha, isn’t that the truth? Oh and the love, care and adoration part? Yeah, totally wild about you and your sweet, sweet spirit my friend…xo!
I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who forgets to breathe.
Hahaha its such a bad habit isn’t it???
OMG your cuteness kills me! I love the fact that you whisper to your plants. I should start whispering to mine. Maybe they would quit going puny on me. I love that you are taking such good care of yourself. Such an inspiration. I heart you big time!
I heart YOU and truth be told, you’ve been my inspiration for keeping positive so there, we are even! Xo
When I was a kid, my whole family whispered about crazy Aunt Alice who took every Tuesday of her life “off”. No one could talk to her or ask her to do anything and she could do whatever she wanted, which was mostly staying in her bedroom with the door closed. Who knew she was the sane one! She was just getting her “me” time.
These Vegetable Flower bouquets are adorable and a great idea!
I’m kinda in love with that idea! Thank you Aunt Alice for a great example π And thank you Diana for sharing that, I think I’m going to steal that idea…Much love!
So good……..Sooo good
Take a selfie with a skeleton, Greg Greggerson, a selfie with a skeleton.
Totally adorable! I also talk to plants.
Thank god I’m not the only one, ha! I feel so much better knowing I’m not alone, xo.